
美国 纸回收厂名录 - 显示美国加工废纸至新材料的公司。 以下列出58个美国纸回收厂。

公司名称 处理废料(吨/年) 产能(吨/年)
American Eagle Paper Mills Pennsylvania 废纸 再生纸
APC Paper Group New Hampshire 废纸 再生纸 100,000
Beloit Box Board Company Inc. Wisconsin 纸板,废纸 再生纸
Billerud Americas Corporation Ohio 废纸 再生纸
Boise Paper Washington 废纸 再生纸
BPM Inc. Wisconsin 废纸 再生纸
Century Paper Pennsylvania 废纸 再生纸
Clearwater Paper Corporation Washington 纸板,废纸 再生纸
Delta Paper New Jersey 废纸 再生纸
Domtar Corporation South Carolina 废纸 再生纸
Donco Recycling Solutions Illinois 废纸 再生纸浆,再生纸
Erving Industries, Inc. Massachusetts 废纸 再生纸
Finch Paper LLC New York 废纸 再生纸
Gabriel Container Co. California 纸板,废纸 再生纸
Georgia-Pacific LLC Georgia 纸板,废纸 再生纸
Graphic Packaging International, LLC Georgia 废纸 再生纸
Green Bay Packaging Inc. Wisconsin 纸板 再生纸
Green Field Paper Company California 废纸 再生纸
Greif Inc. Ohio 废纸 再生纸
Hood Container Corporation Georgia 废纸 再生纸
Inland Empire Paper Co. Washington 废纸 再生纸
International Paper Company Tennessee 废纸 再生纸
Jackson Paper Manufacturing North Carolina 纸板,废纸 再生纸
Keyes Packaging Group Washington 纸板,废纸 再生纸
Kimberly-Clark Corporation Texas 废纸 再生纸
Liberty Paper Inc. Minnesota 纸板 再生纸 220,000
Long Falls Paperboard LLC Vermont 纸板 再生纸
Marcal Paper New Jersey 废纸 再生纸
Maryland Paper Company L.P. Maryland 废纸 再生纸 330,000
McKinley Paper Texas 废纸 再生纸 1,000,000
Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc. New Hampshire 废纸 再生纸
ND Paper LLC Illinois 废纸 再生纸浆,再生纸
Neenah Paper and Packaging Wisconsin 废纸 再生纸
New Leaf Paper Inc Wisconsin 废纸 再生纸
New-Indy Containerboard, LLC California 纸板,废纸 再生纸
Newman & Company, Inc Pennsylvania 废纸 再生纸 70,000
North Pacific Paper Company Washington 纸板,废纸 再生纸
Ox Industries Pennsylvania 纸板,废纸 再生纸
PABCO Paper California 纸板,废纸 再生纸
Packaging Corporation of America Illinois 纸板,废纸 再生纸
Pactiv Evergreen Inc. Illinois 废纸 再生纸
Papertec Inc. New Jersey 废纸 再生纸
PaperWorks Industries, Inc. Pennsylvania 纸板,废纸 再生纸
Port Townsend Paper Corporation Washington 纸板,废纸 再生纸浆,再生纸 325,000
Potential Industries Inc California 废纸 再生纸
Republic Paperboard Company LLC Oklahoma 纸板,废纸 再生纸
Royal Paper Converting Inc. Arizona 废纸 再生纸
Seaman Paper Massachusetts 废纸 再生纸
Smurfit Kappa Forney Mill Texas 废纸 再生纸
Southeastern Paperboard, Inc. South Carolina 纸板,废纸 再生纸 48,000
ST Paper LLC Wisconsin 废纸 再生纸
Total Fiber Recovery of Chesapeake LLC Virginia 纸板,废纸 再生纸浆 300,000
Twin Rivers Paper Company Maine 废纸 再生纸
UP Paper LLC Michigan 纸板 再生纸 120,000
Valley Converting Co. Ohio 纸板,废纸 再生纸
WestRock Company Georgia 纸板,废纸 再生纸 5,500,000
White Birch Paper Connecticut 废纸 再生纸
Willamette Falls Paper Company Oregon 废纸 再生纸